Never Been Bogged

Until I bought a four wheel drive
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Stories & poems of Australia by KODY A.I., our Chat GPT assistant.
Prompts & editing by
Maxwell Jefferies.
When I bought that 4WD, oh, I was proud and grand,
"I'll never get stuck!" I declared to the land.
The wife rolled her eyes, but the kids were in cheer,
"We'll hit every beach, river, and track far and near!"
With the red dirt ahead, and the sky wide and blue,
I thought I was ready to conquer the view.

We loaded it up, with the esky and chairs,
The kids squabbling loudly, the wife with her stares.
I floored the gas pedal, and roared down the road,
For the first time, I felt like a king with my load.
Kangaroos bounced by with a sideways glance,
While emus stood watching, like guards to our dance.
Stories & Poems

Never Been Bogged

With a yank and a tow, we were back on our way,
"This’ll be smoother from now on," I’d say.
But just past the dunes, as the beach turned to track,
We found ourselves bogged in a puddle of black.
The mud rose around, thick as a stew,
And the more I revved on, the deeper it grew.

The mud sucked us in like a croc with a snack,
The more I revved hard, the more it bit back.
The kids screamed, "This is awesome!" from the rear of the car,
The wife muttered something I won't say from afar.
A kangaroo hopped past with a curious glance,
As if mocking my struggles in this outback dance.

Two hours we waited for help from a mate,
Who rocked up in his ute, far too late.
"We’ll get you unstuck!" he declared with a grin,
But then bogged himself right where we’d been.
So there we all sat, a convoy of fools,
Trapped in the outback, breaking all the rules.

We both got a tow from a bloke driving past,
He had an old Subaru that got us out fast.
"Maybe the bush isn’t meant for you yet,"
My wife said again, her patience well set.
The wind howled around us, whipping through the scrub,
And mud filled our shoes with every step and rub.
We hit the first beach, with the sun shining bright,
The waves were a’crashing, what a glorious sight!
But soft sand, it seems, has its own little trick,
For my wheels soon sank deep, in the sand nice and thick.
The wind whipped around, blowing sand in our eyes,
And overhead circled seagulls, cawing their cries.

"Give it more gas!" cried the wife with a frown,
So I floored it again-and the whole thing went down.
The kids laughed like hyenas, I muttered a curse,
My dream of adventure had taken a turn for the worse.
The wife grabbed her hat, shielding from the glare,
As flies and midges danced around her hair.

"Shoulda bought a LandCruiser!" my wife liked to add,
As I dug with a shovel, feeling quite mad.
We flagged down a stranger, who laughed till he cried,
"You’re not the first fella, who thought he could ride."
With a tug and a shove, he got us unstuck,
But my heart was now sinking deeper with my luck.
But I wouldn’t give up! Oh no, not a chance!
Next up was the river for our final dance.
I shifted to low gear, I locked in the hubs,
As I splashed through the water, the kids gave me thumbs!
The emus stood watching from over the hill,
While the river beneath became suddenly still.

Halfway across, the car stopped in its tracks,
With water now flooding the floor at our backs.
The kids shrieked with glee, as the wife sighed and prayed,
"We’re sinking!" she yelled, "Is our insurance prepaid?"
Mosquitoes swarmed thick in the heat of the sun,
This four-wheel adventure was no longer fun.

I called the tow truck from our watery grave,
The driver just chuckled, "You shouldn't be so brave."
They winched us out while I hung my head low,
This 4WD dream was a big bloody show.
A kookaburra laughed from the gum tree near,
Its mocking cry clear, for all of us to hear.

The wife stared at me like I’d lost all my sense,
"Sell it now," she declared, "for the sake of expense."
The kids begged to keep it, "This car’s such a laugh!"
But I was done with my bogs, my pride cut in half.
We camped on the beach, wind blowing all week,
With flies in our food and patience running weak.
When we got home, I slapped up the sign,
"For Sale-4WD, in very good time."
A bloke rocked up, all excited and loud,
"I’ve never been bogged!" he said, oh so proud.
"Mate," I replied with a grin and a wink,
"You’ll soon know the bog better than you think."

I handed him the keys, and watched him drive out,
As he sped down the road with a confident shout.
The wife just smiled as she sipped on her tea,
"Well, that’s the last time we’ll be stuck by the sea."
The kangaroos still bounce, and the emus still stare,
In the Aussie outback for those who venture and dare.

So here’s to the bogs, the mud, and the sand,
A 4WD’s not quite the excitement I'd planned.
I'll stick to the highways, the city’s flat street,
And never again let sand swallow my feet.
For the outback is wild, and the bush takes its toll,
And I’ve learned that a four-wheel drive can swallow your soul.
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